Caregiver Support in the Comfort of Your Home

Caregiver Support Community

  • Caregiver Discussion Community

  • Support Groups

  • Workshops

  • Resources

  • Personalized Coaching

Embark on a transformative and supportive caregiving journey.

Feel connected to a caregiver community, effectively manage stress, and feel balanced in your caregiving role.

Your New Home For Your Caregiver Wellness Path




Understanding the challenges on your caregiving journey...

Isolation and Lack of Support

Lost and Overwhelmed

Emotional and Mental Strain

Caregivers often feel isolated and overwhelmed by the responsibilities of caregiving.

Caregivers may feel lost, confused, and unsure about how to navigate their own life and make decisions regarding their loved one's care.

Caregivers may experience high levels of stress, anxiety, and burnout from the emotional toll of caring for a loved one.

  • No one else understands what I’m going through in my life.

  • I have no one to turn to for help or emotional support.

  • I feel alone in this caregiving journey.

  • I feel like I’m carrying all the burden by myself and no one cares or gets it!

  • I feel lonely and disconnected from my friends, family, and even co-workers.

  • Can I wake up tomorrow and do it all again?

  • Overwhelmed, confused, and unsure about all these decisions you have to make

  • Scared to make a decision

  • Thinking,,and thinking some more about every possibility and what could go wrong with each decision

  • Pressured, burdened, and forced into making plans for everyone without feeling confident or sure that it’s the best or right thing to do

  • Stuck, frozen, or even paralyzed about making the next choice

  • Have trouble sleeping

  • Not have any time for yourself

  • Feel irritable and short tempered

  • Constantly stressed and worrying

  • Difficulty concentrating

  • Trying to balance work, family, a social life, and caregiving duties

  • Not able to enjoy things because everything you need to do is always running in the back of your mind

Let's begin walking your 5 STEPS along your Caregiver Wellness Path...

Together, we will move through a guided journey for your Caregiver Wellness Path. We will walk through the 5 transformative STEPS I have created and designed to help you find the community, support, and relief that you desire in your caregiving journey. I have designed this community to fit your time, your schedule, and your budget.

Your 5 STEPS to find connection, support, and balance as a caregiver.

  • Support

  • Thankfulness

  • Empowerment

  • Planning

  • Self-care

Transform Your Caregiving Journey: Unlock the Benefits of the 5 STEPS to a Balanced Caregiver Life

Feel Supported and Connected

Find the belonging and support within the safe and supportive online community with other family caregivers.

Gain the sense and knowledge that you are not alone in your journey.

Learn, feel connected, and get the support from other family caregivers on a similar path as you.  

Find Relief from Overwhelm

Learn valuable coping skills to help you manage stress, find relief, and learn to balance your caregiving responsibilities with your self-care.

Feel the trust that you can live a healthier and more balanced life.

Find the strength, support, and inner peace to get up each morning knowing that you can face the day.

Gain Empowered Clarity and Confidence

Feel empowered and confident in the informed decisions you make for your loved ones and for yourself.

You no longer have to say “I don’t know what to do!”

Access the support, community, and resources to support you in your journey so that you feel comfortable and knowledgeable with facing the pressures of decision making.

Hi! I'm Sara.

I’m a licensed therapist.

I’m a social worker.

I’m an educator.

And, I’m a daughter.

For the past 30 years I have witnessed first hand within my family, my therapy clients, and my community, the loneliness, the overwhelm, and the pressures that family caregivers face each and every day. That’s why I have created 5 STEPS to help guide you along a supportive, educational, and transformative caregiving journey so that you can walk along your Caregiver Wellness Path.

Most caregivers put their needs last, lose sleep, and live amidst the stress and pressures of  taking care of their loved ones. You don’t have to live this way. You are invited to come home to a supportive community of caregivers who understand, get it, and will learn together how to get through it!


Your Caregiver Wellness Path begins here...

Schedule a chat with Sara

I know you’re faced with too many decisions each day in your life. That’s why I set aside time on my calendar for us to chat so that you can learn more about working with me.

We can have a dedicated time together to answer any questions you may have about joining our community, The Caregiver Wellness Path, or working with me individually. 

All you have to do is click the button below and sign up for a time that works for you. If you don’t see a time that you like, just reach out to me at [email protected] and we can find a time together so that you can begin your first STEPS on your Caregiver Wellness Path.

Join YOUR New Home for Caregiver Support, Connection, and Balance

I am inviting you to join The Caregiver Wellness Path so that you can have a safe, unique, and comforting new home for caregiver support, connection, and balance.. 

I moderate and facilitate this space using my years of experience as a professional social worker, licensed therapist, and educator. I aim to keep it a positive and supportive environment where you can learn, feel connected, and walk together with other caregivers on your Caregiver Wellness Path.

You can choose to join at a monthly or yearly level. You will have access to:

  • An exclusive online community of caregivers with discussions, communication, and guidance from fellow family caregivers who understand what you face each day. 

  • Professionally moderated support groups so that you can have face to face time with other caregivers in a safe an secure environment.

  • Educational workshops that will teach you how to walk the 5 STEPS of your Caregiver Wellness Path so that you can find the relief and support you need to live a more balanced and harmonious life.

  • A library of resources to help guide you through your caregiving journey

Personalized Coaching

I know that sometimes you just need that one to one time to discuss your caregiving journey, find the motivation to keep going, and take your next (or first) step on your Caregiver Wellness Path.

That is why I have created personalized coaching sessions for tailored for you.

You can schedule a private  time with me where we can discuss your loneliness, isolation, overwhelm, and decisions that you face in your life.

You can walk away from these sessions feeling supported, understood, and with real action steps you can take to move forward on your Caregiver Wellness Path.

Click on the link below to learn more or to sign up for a session. If you don’t see a time that works for you, you can email me at [email protected] so that we can arrange a time together.






Your FREE Caregiver

Resource Guide

A special gift for you. 🎁

Take Your First STEPS on Your Caregiver Wellness Path

Are You Ready to Feel Supported, Balanced, and Empowered?

Download your free copy of "You Don't Have To Do This Alone: A Resource Guide for Family Caregivers" and discover essential resources designed to make your caregiving journey easier.

Learn that it's okay to ask for help, connect with a supportive community, and gain valuable tips to take care of both your loved one and yourself.

With this guide and you can learn:

👉Caregiving myths that lead to your stress

👉10 Resources to help you manage your caregiving stress

How to find caregiver support with Path For Change?

I think it’s really important that you can access your home for caregiver community, support, and resources on your time schedule. So Path For Change provides services at your convenience, in the comfort of your home.

If you do live local to us, or plan to visit us, near beautiful Dunedin, FL, and would like to arrange for in-person support, please contact me so that we can arrange an option that works best for you.

Your home for caregiver connection, support, and balance.


This site if for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended to provide any form or suggestion of psychotherapy.

If you have an interest or feel a need for psychotherapy, please contact us for an appropriate referral or call your local 911.

Peacefully located in beautiful Dunedin, FL.

© 2024. Path For Change is a dba of Sara G Graff LCSW PA operated out of Dunedin, FL.